Down on the west coast, I've lost all of my sense of reality. Why was it so much harder to live a normal road of life somewhere where else? What makes the way I live now any different? my mind and my sanity have only seemed to have shifted in different directions. my life seems to be finally moving to a forward wheel and i'm finally learning the ins and outs of life. A lot of my friendships down on the west coast are broken and shattered I have been trying to make some amends to some people I have dragged down with me to the pit of loneliness, anger, pain and resentment I was in at the time. When we leave foot prints on people why do we go back and try to cover them up? The conscience is a very powerful thing. Weather or not someone allows the print to be covered is entirely up to them.
Did I try to make amends to my myself feel better or to make them feel better? which is good and which is bad? Now I can't tell the difference. Oh, well I suppose it's better now that its out in the open and almost sealed. The scar will always be there.
When someone is stuck in their own and old ways perhaps it's better to ask for forgiveness, allow them to decide and walk away. They will ask why you've changed and you wont have an answer.